The Unseen Passenger: How Telematics Data Is Reshaping Private Passenger Auto Insurance
Insurers interested in tapping into telematics technology can benefit from more sophisticated hardware, speedier communications technology and the widespread use of cloud storage.
Because many insurers are adopting telematics programs that operate via smartphones, some telematics providers have learned to interpret data that shows if a person is operating a vehicle or sitting elsewhere.
As auto manufacturers build more sophisticated safety devices into their cars, telematics providers will need to access to determine that they are present and operating.
California's enhanced privacy legislation, which took effect in 2020, requires that those who collect data, such as telematics providers, to make that data available to the person being monitored.
Given that early hackers have shown their ability to penetrate vehicle systems, those setting up telematics programs have to employ state-of-the-art security practices, including revisiting security at each layer of access.